Monday, 27 May 2019

The May Love Lula Box

May's Love Lula box was an exotic feast for the face and the body with two brands I haven't tried before.

Friday, 24 May 2019

Review: May Books

A couple of my reads for this month.

What the Night Knows by [Koontz, Dean]
John Calvino is a cop whose entire family was murdered 20 years ago. He had dispatched the killer, Alton Blackwood to hell, or so he thought, that night, but now after a series of similar murders, he becomes convinced that Blackwood's spirit is back and able to take possession of suitable hosts.

Saturday, 18 May 2019

May Love Lula Picks

I chose two delightful products from Pacifica and Beatitude to review from Love Lula this month and LL offered me three more to try from Ayan and Glossworks.

The April Vegan Kind Lifetstyle Box

April brought another snack-tastic box from The Vegan Kind.

Monday, 6 May 2019

Recent Books I've Read

Seeing as I haven't posted a book review since January, because I'm rubbish, I thought I better call this 'recent books' rather than the month I'm writing this because God know when I'll get round to posting it 😕

Hearts in Atlantis by [King, Stephen]

The April Natural Beauty Box

I was absolutely thrilled to see that the Skin-Tritious themed April Natural Beauty Box was plastic free and Emma has pledged to make the box plastic free on a quarterly basis.